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Statement on Ribston Avenue planning application

Published: 1 February 2019

Planning Planning

Planning Application 18/0873/FUL - The construction of a 54-bed independent hospital with access, car parking, landscaping/open space and associated works. Land at Ribston Avenue, Exeter

Following consideration of the above application by the Council’s Planning Committee on the 3 December 2018, the Council has received an application for judicial review of the decision made to approve the application, which has been filed with the Administrative Court.

It is unfortunate that this step has been taken as it is premature, given that planning permission has not yet been issued by this Council, and, in so doing, also involves both the Council and the individual applicant in spending time and money on the case unnecessarily. 

One particular matter in the Judicial Review related to whether the issue of safeguarding of children was properly considered. The Council has reviewed this correspondence and accepts that the officer advice, related to safeguarding, was not sufficiently detailed in the report and that consultation with relevant bodies was inadequate. It has therefore been decided that the Council will consult the relevant bodies and subsequently reconsider the application at its Planning Committee meeting on 15 April 2019, with the assistance of a Supplementary Report.

A letter is being sent to all those who have made a formal complaint in respect of the consideration of the application, and to all those who submitted representations originally to appraise them of the situation.

The officer report that is presented to the Planning Committee will include reference to all the issues raised in the various formal complaints received by the Council since the Planning Committee in December. Furthermore, all previous representations received in respect of the application will also be referred to as part of the reconsideration of the application.

Anyone wishing to raise additional representations in respect of this application should submit them to the planning department, quoting the application reference no (18/0873/FUL), at The Planning Department, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter, or by email to by Friday, 22 February.

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