Young people asked what's good about Exeter
Published: 16 October 2018
What’s Exeter really like to live, work or go to school or college in if you’re aged between 14 and 21?
Young people are being asked what’s important to them; what’s the city good at and what it’s bad at; and what does it need to make it better for people in their age group.
Young Devon is the largest young people’s charity in the South West. They’re working with Exeter City and Devon County Councils on a new project, called #ExeterYouthVoice. And with it, they’re inviting young people to speak up about what it’s like living and learning in Exeter. It’s to help put forward a vision for how the city could evolve in future to make it even better.
#ExeterYouthVoice launched earlier this year, talking to young people at the Exeter Respect Festival and more recently at the city’s Fresher Fair.
And now they’ve arranged an opportunity for young people to come and put questions to local councillors who can bring about and influence change and improvements in the city.
The Q & A session is at Exeter Community Centre on St David’s Hill on Wednesday 17 October at 5pm.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity for young people to come along and put forward their views, ideas and opinions about what’s important to them,” says Cassie Brennan, Exeter Youth Voice.
“And to put it directly to some of the key people in the city who can do something about it.”
Four lead Councillors from Exeter City Council and Devon County Council will be on the panel.
Cllr Luke Sills, Exeter City Council’s Member Champion for Young People, said: “We’re always keen to hear the thoughts, views and ideas of young people who live and learn in Exeter. This event is a great opportunity for us to listen and learn about what the city does well from their perspective and how we might improve things for young people in the future.”
Councillor James McInnes is Devon County Council’s lead councillor responsible for young people. He said: “We’re hoping that young people will come and talk to us. Exeter has a lot going on, but we would like to know whether the city is offering young people the opportunities they need, and how young people think it could be improved.”
Central to the #ExeterYouthVoice project is a young people’s forum. Made up of young people, the forum decides what it wants the project to do throughout the year, and it’s always looking to recruit more people.
The forum’s running a debating workshop before the Q & A session, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. And there will be a free buffet after the Q & As for everyone attending.
Anyone wanting to attend the event can contact Cassie Brennan, Exeter Youth Voice, on 01626 356720 or email, or send her a message on Young Devon’s social media. Anyone who can’t attend, but would like to know what’s going on, can follow it on a live stream, via Young Devon, Exeter City Council or Devon County Council’s facebook pages. Just hashtag #exeteryouthvoice.