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World Homeless Day work of Exeter’s pioneering CoLab highlighted

Published: 11 October 2023

The collaborative work of Exeter’s CoLab in supporting residents with complex needs has been highlighted as part of World Homeless Day 2023.

CoLab is a multi-agency wellbeing hub based at Wat Tyler House, in King William Street, that enables people and organisations to work together.

It aims to create the conditions for people to lead their best lives and do their best work, and for organisations to achieve their greatest impact and value.

In a video recorded to mark World Homeless Day 2023 Jon Cook, Deputy CEO for CoLab, said: “CoLab is a health and wellbeing hub and we have around 30 partner agencies who have worked with us over the past year, both statutory and voluntary.

“We provide a lot of services for people with complex needs and living complex lives, things like housing and homeless issues, substance misuse, mental health and criminal justice.

“We provide a setting for people to work from and we deliver projects around those areas and support people who are affected by a rage of complex issues.”

He added: “We are all about collaboration, and it means that for people coming through the door, there’s a good chance of people being there to speak to them about the things that are important to them at that point.”

Watch the full video on the work of CoLab below:

For more information visit:

The Council has produced a week-long series of content to highlight some of the organisations and agencies who are aiming to alleviate homelessness in Exeter.

For more information on World Homeless Day visit:

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