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Work of award-winning Exeter homelessness service highlighted

Published: 13 October 2023

The work of an award-winning Exeter homelessness service has been highlighted to mark World Homeless Day.

The Exeter Navigator Team, which is part of Exeter City Council’s Rough Sleeper Initiative, won the award for Excellence in support and navigation at Homeless Link’s national Excellence Awards 2023.

The coveted national award recognised its work in helping to support rough sleepers in the city.

The Exeter Navigator Team works to create hope for individuals in their potential for recovery.

The recent award recognised its commitment to a trauma-informed, person-centred model of practice which provides a long-term support offer to people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantages.

The Team is relentlessly focussed on system change to improve opportunities for individuals to access support which corresponds to their needs and circumstances at the time of asking.

In the video below, produced to mark World Homeless Day, the team highlight their work and the challenges they face in helping rough sleepers on their road to recovery.

To find out more about homeless prevention services in Exeter visit the Council’s website -

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