Weekly Planning Applications: 11 Feb 2021
Published: 11 February 2021
The following planning applications have been received. You can view them online by clicking on the application number below or via our search page.
Copies can also be viewed by appointment at Exeter City Council, Civic Centre, Paris Street, please call 01392 265223 to arrange a time for viewing.
Letters of objection, comment or support can be made via the application on our website, or directly to the case officer stated on the application, before the Expiry Date shown on the ‘Important Dates’ screen.
Bendene Townhouse, 15-16 Richmond Road. Demolition of existing garage building to be replaced with two residential units (Amended scheme to 18/0137/FUL granted consent 25 May 18). 20/1712/FUL (CA&LB)
Heywoods, Tresillian Gardens, Topsham. Construct garden implement store, and sauna building, and boundary upgrading. 21/0162/FUL (CA)
Topsham Sailing Club, Hawkins Quay, Topsham. Replacement of asbestos cement roof covering with composite panels. 21/0076/FUL (CA)
St Margarets Church, Fore Street, Topsham. Change of use from community hall (Class F1 use) to community hall (F1 use) and day nursery (Class E use). 20/1645/FUL (CA)
1 The Old Warehouse, Denver Road, Topsham. Single storey front extension. 21/0121/FUL (CA)
7 Elm Grove Gardens. Proposed single story rear extension. 21/0167/FUL (CA)
12 Monmouth Street, Topsham. Proposed construction of a detached house and double garage. 21/0147/FUL (CA)
14 The Strand, Topsham. Alterations to rear garden steps to improve access and safety, to include alterations to garden terrace and shed roof. 21/0149/FUL (CA&LB)
15 Homefield Road. Single storey rear extension. 21/0139/FUL (CA)
9 Bartholomew Terrace. Replacement roof tiles; replacement rooflight; installation of roof hatch on front elevation. 20/1698/LBC
11 New North Road. Install a downpipe on front of property, and guttering and a downpipe to front bay window. 21/0174/LBC
14 The Strand, Topsham. Alterations to rear garden steps to improve access and safety, to include alterations to garden terrace and shed roof. 21/0150/LBC
96 Cowick Street. Renovate front of house and replacement render, windows and door [Retrospective Application]. 20/1092/LBC
RD&E Hospital, Barrack Road. Plantroom and plantroom link to serve ICU. Re-configuration and alterations to roof J Template Main Building. 21/0125/FUL*
Rear of 35-36 Sidwell Street and St Sidwell's Chapel. Variation of condition 2 of Application 20/0843/FUL (Additional storey and change of use to YMCA move-on accommodation), to approve amended materials and elevation details. 21/0145/VOC
1 Denver Close. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. 21/0104/FUL*
6 Harts Close. Single storey front extension. 21/0165/FUL*
7 Countess Wear Road. Construction of garage in front garden. 21/0166/FUL*
7 Shillingford Road. Two storey side extension. 21/0110/FUL*
10 Portland Street. Ground and first floor rear extensions. 21/0144/FUL*
11 Linda Close. Two storey side extension. 21/0146/FUL*
15 Maryfield Avenue. Single and two storey rear extension. 21/0168/FUL*
17 Somerset Avenue. Single storey rear extension and construction of porch on front elevation. 21/0169/FUL*
26 Sussex Close. Single story extension to side and rear. 21/0172/FUL*
27 Prince Charles Road. Extension of existing front dormer. 21/0177/FUL*
36 Clinton Street. Proposed single storey rear extension. 21/0148/FUL*
38 Willeys Avenue. Change of use from garage to home office/storage. 21/0179/FUL*
50 Rosebank Crescent. Variation of condition 2 on Planning Permission Ref: 19/0615/FUL to alter the material finish of the roof to natural slate and to retain existing red brick walls instead of painted render (Retrospective Application). 21/0161/VOC*
53 Birchy Barton Hill. Two storey side extension. 21/0153/FUL*
431 Pinhoe Road. Replacement single storey ground floor extension and construction of a dormer on the side elevation. 21/0196/FUL*