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Two more Exeter play areas looking great after full refurbishment

Published: 28 September 2023

Play time in Exeter just got better after two popular city play parks became the latest to receive major upgrades - with new equipment and a cool new look.

The new play equipment at Merrivale Park in St Thomas has transformed the play area following extensive consultation with residents and parents.

It has been a lengthy but very productive process, with huge input from Friends of Merrivale fundraisers, community volunteers and the community builder.

The contributions from Friends of Merrivale and their input into planning the transformation enabled the Council to get the work done. And the stunning new look shows that it was worth all the hard work.

Meanwhile, extensive work to refurbish and improve the play area at Lakeside Avenue, Countess Wear, was also recently completed.

The upgraded play area has new and improved equipment for youngsters to enjoy, including a daisy four-way springer, ladybird springer, sunflower toddler swing, toddler multi-play unit, wheelchair roundabout and triple somersault bars.

A super cool table tennis table and cable runway have also been installed, and the existing net climber, slide and platform, and activity trail have been cleaned and fully refurbished.

The play area gates have been replaced and a sensory path installed, allowing wheelchair access to the inclusive seesaw and roundabout.

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