Support for community groups helping residents during cost of living crisis
Published: 14 October 2022
Community groups and organisations providing advice and warm spaces for residents this winter have been praised by the City Council.
The Council has committed to doing everything it can to support organisations and signpost residents to the support available in the community.
It will reveal more details about the practical support that will be available to organisations providing warm spaces shortly.
Warm spaces provide people with somewhere to keep warm, enjoy company and access help and support and if they are struggling to pay rising energy costs at home.
Cllr Martin Pearce, Lead Councillor of Communities & Homelessness Prevention, said: “I want to thank everyone for what they are doing in the city and in makes me proud to be able to call Exeter my home.
“It is great that the community is coming together in this way. Through the pandemic we saw an amazing response from the Council, from the community sector and residents, who all pulled together, and that’s happening again right now.
“Although this is not this Council’s statutory duty, we cannot just stand by while the cost of living crisis is unfolding, and we need to make sure that our residents are being supported throughout.
“It is so important that organisations who are opening up warm spaces to support our communities are supported by us, as much as they can be.”
Among the organisations currently supporting residents are:
Citizen Advice Exeter – a free, independent, impartial and confidential advice service. A free Helpline on 0808 278 7845 is available Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
ECOE Exeter Community Energy – its team of Home Energy Advisers will provide practical energy advice and support with the aim of helping as many residents save money and stay warm in their homes.
Age UK Exeter – its information and advice team are available to take calls Monday to Thursday – 10.30am to 3pm on 01392 455614.
Libraries Unlimited - Warm welcoming spaces throughout all libraries. Everyone is welcome to join and spend time in the library, including use of the free WiFi and computers.
Exeter City Community Trust - the Grecian Centre at ECFC open for the Social café, on Tuesdays 10.30am to 1pm and Sporting Memories programmes on Thursdays – 10am to 12pm.
Exeter Community Food Network - Free food in Exeter directory hosted by Exeter Connect
Wellbeing Exeter - a partnership of agencies in city supporting health and wellbeing, including Community Connectors, Community Builders and Community Physical Activity Organisers.
Exeter Quakers - Quaker Social Café provides a warm space and some company on Thursdays from 10am to 4pm, at Friends Meeting House, Wynards Lane, Magdalen Street.
Chatterbox Café – held at Alphington Village Hall, Fridays 9am to 12pm. Hot drinks, homemade cakes, toast, crumpets and warm cheese scones. Payment is by donation - pay what you can.
For more information and a full list of organisations able to provide assistance, and for details about the support schemes administered by Exeter City Council, visit our Cost of living Support page