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New initiative supports community groups in Exeter

Published: 25 September 2020

Community groups and organisations in Exeter can now rely on new support thanks to an initiative that has been launched in the city.

Exeter Connect provides free, independent information and advice to existing and new community organisations in the city to help community groups to develop and become self-sustaining.

Exeter Connect is a partnership between Exeter Community Initiatives (ECI) and Exeter City Council, who are providing the funding for the service.

Steven Chown, Chief Executive Officer, Exeter Community Initiatives, said: “We are really pleased to be starting this new service. ECI has a long track record of supporting smaller community groups. Exeter Connect will give us the chance to offer more sustained support to local organisations and help to develop ideas and activities that will make a real difference to community life.”

Cllr Amal Ghusain, Lead Councillor for Communities and Culture, said that the Exeter Connect programme is part of a wider investment by the council into supporting local communities which includes Wellbeing Exeter Community Builders, our Community Grants Programme and funding for Citizens Advice Exeter.

“Exeter Connect have a key role in helping to ensure that support is available to community groups and organisations across the city to build capacity, becoming sustainable and resilient in the future. This resource will help deliver our priority to build great neighbourhoods and improve quality of life in our local communities.”

The launch follows publication of a new report by Exeter Connect highlighting the extent of the huge community response to the Coronavirus outbreak in the city.

To view the report visit

To find out more about Exeter Connect visit the Exeter Connect website 

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