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Exeter City Futures is hosting a Travel to School Connect event

Published: 5 October 2020

Travel to School Connect event Travel to School Connect event

Exeter City Futures are encouraging school staff and governors, parents and parent groups, residents, community groups, community organisations and local businesses, to share their projects where they champion safe active travel to school.

As schools across Exeter have reopened for the new school year, Exeter City Futures would like to hear the ways in which families, schools and communities are supporting, engaging and implementing more active ways of travelling back to school, in the current Covid-19 restrictions.

Their Connect events are an opportunity to find out what’s working well for others, and hear about new ideas.

Types of projects that they are interested to hear about are projects are where YOU have organised, initiated or been involved in:

  • Enabling walking or cycling safely to school through a walk or cycle bus
  • Developing campaigns to encourage lower speeds and reduced traffic
  • Implementing junior/senior road safety officers activities
  • Introducing traffic-calming measures such as restricting drop off and pick up times
  • Establishing a staff or parent car sharing pool
  • Hosting a Travel Clinic bringing parents, school leadership and staff, as well as local residents, together to co-develop projects?

They invite you to share what you’ve been doing and connect with like-minds in the wider Exeter community.

As a presenter you’ll have the chance to give a short, five-minute presentation about your project, before exploring your project further during a ‘breakout room’ discussion with event participants.

The format of the Connect events are as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Project presentations
  • Breakout room discussions
  • Feedback from the breakout room discussions
  • Close

If you would like present, or alternatively you are interested in attending and being part of the conversation, please do sign up to the Eventbrite page:

If you would like more information about these events, or to understand more about presenting, please contact Exeter City Futures via email at

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