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Exeter businesses commit to keeping women safe

Published: 30 March 2023

Exeter businesses commit to keeping women safe More than 150 businesses in Exeter have now signed up

More than 150 businesses in Exeter have now signed up to Exeter’s Safety of Women at Night (SWaN) Charter and committed to keeping people safer when they spend time in this fantastic city.

Launched following a major survey of women in Exeter in 2022 and published by Safer Exeter, the city’s community safety partnership, the Charter has been developed as part of the city’s commitment to keeping the city a safe place, where women feel confident and safe at night.

There has been a tremendous response from businesses to the Charter which, by signing, commits each to making Exeter a safer place for women at night.

Pubs, restaurants, bars, night clubs, hotels, taxi firms, cinemas, gyms, supermarkets and shops have all committed their names to paper in the pursuit of safety.

The Charter is a voluntary pledge to prioritise the safety of women and to acknowledge it is all our responsibility to take practical steps together to keep our city safe for everyone.

It unites organisations in developing a whole-city approach to reducing violence against women and girls and keeping them safe at night in Exeter.

Peter Scargill, chair of Exeter’s Community Safety Partnership, said the Charter helps address the causes and effects of violence against women and girls in our city.

“The Charter and associated toolkit gives businesses a framework in which to show their commitment to keeping all women and girls safe,” he said.

“In signing the charter, they make a voluntary commitment on behalf of your organisation to deliver its pledges and commitments.

“We will ask businesses to re-commit to the charter annually but we will help them to deliver by providing regular training updates, signposting to specialist providers and guidance, and sharing national best practice.

“We would encourage anyone planning to go out in the city to look out for the stickers which are displayed by venues to show they have signed the Charter because you know they are committed to keeping you safe.

“If your local pub or places you visit regularly aren’t showing a sticker ask them if they have signed the charter and if not, why not?”

Superintendent Antony Hart, head of local policing for Exeter, said: “Devon and Cornwall Police actively supports the Exeter SWaN Charter and those organisations who are signatories to it.

“It is encouraging to see an increase in the number of organisations pledging their commitment to promoting safety in the night-time and working together to keep Exeter safe.

“Collectively, we can make a big difference.”

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