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Cold snap triggers severe weather protocol for rough sleepers

Published: 5 February 2021

With temperatures set to dip this weekend, Exeter City Council has activated its Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) to bring as many rough sleepers off the streets and into accommodation as possible.

The triggering of the SWEP is based on predicted overnight “feels like” below-zero temperatures.

Emergency accommodation B&B rooms will be made available to known local rough sleepers from this Saturday. The cold weather snap is anticipated to last for a number of days into next week.

As part of the drive to bring as many people off the streets as possible the Council and partner agencies have been providing ongoing emergency accommodation to local rough sleepers.

“Thanks to the tireless work of staff in homelessness services, over 30 rough sleepers have been accommodated in the last five weeks. Numbers remaining on the streets are low,” said Cllr Ruth Williams, Lead Councillor for Supporting People.

“Nevertheless, services are continuing to engage with rough sleepers to ensure those who want to come indoors have the option to do so,” she added.

If a member of the public has any concerns regarding someone they believe might be sleeping rough they should report their concerns using Streetlink 

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