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Work to get people more active highlighted in new report

Published: 10 December 2021

An initiative to get more people in Exeter and Cranbrook active and build healthier communities has been highlighted in a top national report.

The new report from the House of Lords Sport and Recreation Committee spotlights the work being carried out in Exeter and Cranbrook to encourage active and healthier lifestyles.

In 2017, Exeter and Cranbrook was chosen by Sport England as one of 12 pilot areas to work on a bold new approach to build healthier, active communities. The City Council is leading on this work and the Live and Move team working with communities, organisations and strategic and policy decision makers to support people to increase their wellbeing through physical activity.

The latest report from the House of Lords Sport and Recreation Committee raises concerns that not enough is being done throughout the country to tackle inactivity. It calls for a national plan for sport, health and wellbeing.

However the report singles out Exeter and Cranbrook as making significant steps to raise activity levels among its residents.

Highlighting the Sport England initiative, the report said:  “It allocated £100 million to the pilots over four years starting from January 2018. Under the scheme, each area is tasked with looking at the challenges within specific areas and communities and bringing together a broad range of stakeholders to tackle inactivity and reach underrepresented groups.

The report adds: “By way of examples of how the local delivery pilots are working, Sport England told us about work in Exeter supporting the creation of new housing and infrastructure to lower congestion and shift travel patterns.”

Cllr Duncan Wood, Lead Councillor for Leisure & Physical Activity, said: “It’s good to see this work being recognised at the highest level.

“We know that there is work still to be done in Exeter but we continue with our efforts to get more people more active and encourage healthier lifestyles.

“In Exeter we must be doing something right as we have one of the highest percentages of commuters walking or cycling to work and we are encouraging people to be active before, during and after work.”     

Live and Move, tasked by Sport England, is working to identify and reduce the various lifestyle and infrastructure barriers that prevent people being active. Working with partners like Wellbeing Exeter, a nationally recognised social prescribing initiative, and Exeter Leisure – now run by the local authority - the City Council is drawing organisations closer together for an innovative and long term approach to increasing the health and wellbeing of Exeter and Cranbrook communities.

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