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Still time to take part Devon Carbon Plan Consultation

Published: 8 February 2021

Residents have the chance to shape the county’s roadmap to net-zero by taking part in the Interim Devon Carbon Plan Consultation – but you need to be quick.

The consultation, which gives the public an opportunity to influence Devon’s collective response to the global climate emergency, closes on February 15.

It’s the next crucial step towards producing the Final Devon Carbon Plan, which once published, will enshrine what every Devon citizen, business and organisation has to do to ensure that Devon becomes net-zero.

The plan is being developed by the Net-Zero Task Force, a top-team of experts appointed by the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group (DCERG), a partnership of councils, emergency services, voluntary organisations and business groups.

Professor Patrick Devine-Wright, the chair of the Net-Zero Task Force, said: “Since the pandemic began the Carbon Plan has grown beyond the necessity to reduce carbon emissions.

“It is now a rare opportunity to create a fairer, healthier, more resilient and more prosperous society.

“For instance, actions like a transition to clean technologies will create new jobs, improve energy security and will help increase economic prosperity.

“While enhancing the natural environment offers tremendous opportunities to reduce flood risk, improve water and air quality, the availability of nutritious food and will create more accessible greenspace.

“The more people who take part in the consultation from all walks of life and all parts of Devon, the stronger our argument becomes, the more momentum we create and the more likely we are to realise our goals.”

Take part in the consultation today by visiting:

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