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Skate park closed after arsonists torch bins damaging equipment

Published: 25 September 2023

A popular skating facility in Exeter has had to be closed after arsonists dragged two bins onto some of the equipment and set fire to them causing hundreds of pounds worth of damage.

Exeter City Council has condemned the attack on the skate bowl at Flowerpot Fields and called on anyone who saw anything on Friday morning – the day of the incident – to contact police with information.

Cllr Ruth Williams, Lead Councillor for Place & City Management, said: “This is so frustrating for everyone who enjoys using these facilities – they will now be out of action until they are repaired.

“This is nothing more than mindless vandalism and I would appeal to anyone who knows anything about the incident to get in touch with the police and help catch those who did it.”

The bins were taken from a bin store at the Mill on the Exe pub, wheeled to the skate park and set on fire on the concrete bowl.

Flames from the fire have damaged the surface of the concrete bowl and staff from the Council are meeting today to assess the damage and how long the facility will have to stay closed for.  

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