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Picnic at home to celebrate VE Day Anniversary

Published: 28 April 2020

People in Exeter are being encouraged to have a ‘picnic in their parlour’ on 8 May to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

On Friday 8 March it will be 75 years since the Allied victory in Europe during the Second World War.

There were plans to mark the occasion with an event in the city centre but the Coronavirus outbreak changed this.

Now with people staying home and keeping safe as a result of COVID-19, Exeter City Council is instead encouraging everyone to ‘picnic in their parlour’ to celebrate a day that ended the conflict in Europe and ultimately lead to the end of the Second World War.

Exeter’s Lord Mayor, Cllr Peter Holland, said: “We appreciate that everyone is in ‘lockdown’ and can’t celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day in the way that we would like to. But we, like others, feel that even through these scary times, we should mark the occasion together online in our own homes.”

The Council is asking people to post photos and videos of their picnics on Exeter City Council Coronavirus Updates Facebook Page along with clips of raising a glass to the ‘Heroes Toast’ in honour of those who fought for our freedom 75 years ago.

To help everyone get in the mood, the Council is providing links to some fun activities, including colouring-in posters, how to make your own decorations and some fun recipes for trying, including ones from WW2 where rations would have been implemented.

On the day there will be various messages and some fun activities to take part in.

The Council appreciates that some people may not be in the mood for celebration during these worrying times, but hopes residents will be able to look back on this day in years to come with pride, that even through a pandemic the citizens of Exeter still managed to come to together to mark a special day in history.

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