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Paddling pools shut after vandals remove drain covers

Published: 12 August 2024

Paddling pools shut after vandals remove drain covers Heavitree Paddling Pool

Paddling pools in Exeter have had to be closed due to vandalism.

Exeter City Council said this morning (Monday 12 August) that it was having to drain the paddling pools in Heavitree Pleasure Ground after vandals removed two drain covers in the middle and large pool.

Cllr Ruth Williams, Lead Councillor for City Management, said: “It’s not safe for people to use the pools without the covers, so it is with regret that we have the facility whilst the pools are drained and the covers replaced.

“It is frustrating that a few individuals have to spoil the fun of so many people and I would urge anyone who knows anything about this incident to report it to the police.”

Cllr Williams added: We are aiming to have the pools up and running as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause those who were looking to use them.

Anyone looking for some water fun can still use the Splash Pad in St Thomas Pleasure Ground.

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