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New complaint form to increase standards for tenants privately renting

Published: 1 December 2021

The Council has launched an updated online private rented property complaint form to encourage the highest standards for those privately renting homes in Exeter.

The council recognises the importance of the private rented sector in helping to meet local housing need and wants to ensure that everyone has a safe and decent home to live in.

If anyone is experiencing difficulties with the standard of their accommodation, including improving the property’s energy efficiency or other management issues, a new private rented property complaints form is now available on the Council’s website.

Cllr Bob Foale, Lead Councillor for Transformation & Environment, said: “We know that there are a minority of landlords who are either not aware of their responsibilities and obligations or simply choose not to fulfil them.

“The majority of Exeter’s landlords share our aim of driving up the quality and standard of private rented housing. However, the minority can adversely affect the reputation of other landlords and the private rented sector as a whole.

“The new online form allows private tenants to contact the council for help and advice when they are unable to resolve issues with their landlord or letting agent.”

It is important that before contacting the Council, tenants have reported their repair issues direct to their landlord.

It should also be noted that the Council will need to contact landlords or letting agents if there is a serious risk to health and safety at the property.

The updated complaint form can be found on the council’s website alongside a private tenants’ handbook covering many aspects of renting privately from finding a home, to what health and safety issues to consider, all the way through to ending a tenancy.

Anyone threatened with homelessness, or in need of support to prevent becoming homeless, should email the Housing Advice team at or call 01392 265726.

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