Locals enjoy tree planting event in park
Published: 25 January 2022
A Community group has helped green up a park in Exeter by planting more trees.
Cowick Roots & Recreation applied for a grant from the Tree Council and with the help of local volunteers have planted three oak trees at Cowick Barton Playing Fields.
Sue Taylor from the community group, said they were helped by 15 children from local schools. Exeter City Council supported the planting event by providing tools, woodchip for mulching and the collection of green waste once the works are complete. The Council also provided litter picking equipment to the group.
The group returned to the park on Saturday for a Community Orchard event run by Devon Wildlife Trust. Locals were given the opportunity to learn about pruning, weeding and mulching in a series of workshops run by the Trust.
Volunteers – including a group of young air cadets – then helped mulch the veteran oak tree near the tennis courts and plant some snowdrops.
Sue said: “Everyone was thrilled with the work they did and we are planning for more sessions during the Spring and Summer.”
Cowick Roots & Recreation is a volunteer group formed by local residents who hope to act as ‘The People’s Champion’ in order to improve and protect both green spaces as a playing field, sports facility, community space and community gardens.
The £1,408 grant from the Tree Council covers the cost of planting and maintaining the trees over their first two years and includes the cost of heavy metal tree guards.
Cllr David Harvey, Lead Councillor for City Management, said: “It’s wonderful to see local people investing their time and energy in parks on their doorstep. Cowick Roots & Recreation have really taken the initiative and got the local community involved in caring for the environment, and that’s fantastic to see.”
To find out more about Cowick Roots and Recreation email cowickrootsandrecreation@gmail.com or visit the group’s Facebook page