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Litter picking gear available as people asked to ‘bin it, don’t drop it!’

Published: 8 August 2023

Free litter picking equipment is available for community groups and individuals in Exeter to borrow. However the message about litter is clear – ‘bin it or take it home with you, don’t drop it!

The Council has a range of litter pickers, high-visibility jackets, gloves and bags for anyone who wants to tidy up their neighbourhood.

Whilst the Council is happy to lend the equipment out, Cllr Ruth Williams, Lead Councillor for Place and City Management, said the ideal situation would be for people not to drop litter in the first place.

“We all want Exeter to keep looking good, so if you have litter, bin it or take it home with you. We all have a responsibility to keep the city tidy,” she said.

In Wilton Way, a group of paper picking residents are doing just that – taking special care of their neighbourhood and getting out for regular litter picks.

Nicola Hammond, who co-ordinates the group, told the Citizen: “We just want Exeter city to look nice. We all do our bit and are supported by the City Council who loan us the equipment.”

“People do come by and thank us for picking it up,” she added. Nicola said it would be good if more fast-food outlets and coffee shops provided litter bins outside their premises.

Cllr Williams said: “It’s great that we have so many caring and community-minded people in Exeter. Our cleansing teams do their best to keep the city looking good. However the reality is we can’t be everywhere, every day, so we really appreciate it when we hear about the fantastic efforts of people like the Willow Way paper picking group.”

Any groups or individuals who would like to book the equipment for a litter pick is urged to contact the Council on 01392 262630.

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