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Historic city regeneration experts take part in Exeter fact finding visit

Published: 16 September 2024

A team of national experts on the regeneration of historic cities and towns were recently welcomed on a tour of Exeter by leaders of the City Council.

The Historic Places Panel, facilitated by Historic England, selected Exeter to visit to provide independent advice on how heritage can support the city centre’s growth and regeneration.

The panel learned about a community-led placemaking strategy driven by Exeter’s strengths in culture, innovation and enterprise.

They also explored ideas for capitalising on and celebrating the city’s array of scheduled monuments, including its city walls.

Discussions were hosted at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, including:

  • Housing and Regeneration led by Ian Collinson, Strategic Director for Place, Exeter City Council
  • Business and Investment Opportunities, led by Roger Clotworthy, Head of City Development at Exeter City Council and Nicola Wheeler, Manager of InExeter Business Improvement District
  • Culture and creativity led by Fiona Carden, CEO of CoLab, and Lord Charles Courtenay the Earl of Devon
  • Exploring opportunities for the city walls and inner bypass led by Owen Cambridge of Exeter City Council and Jamie Hulland of Devon County Council

The panel visited four neighbourhoods around the city centre originally identified by Liveable Exeter, including East Gate, which includes Sidwell Street, Paris Street and the Pyramids Leisure Centre and West Gate, which is currently occupied by the gyratory of the inner bypass and the medieval Exe Bridge scheduled monument.