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Food hygiene and safety courses offered by the Council in Exeter

Published: 13 September 2023

Courses leading to Level 2 Awards in Food Safety and Hygiene are being run by the Council – both in person and online.

Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene courses take place at The Matford Centre, Matford Park Road, Marsh Barton on 20 September and 22 November.

The cost of in person attendance is just £60 for a full day per person. There is free parking at the Matford Centre and refreshments are available throughout the day.

The topics covered for the Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene course include:

  • Basic bacteriology
  • Food poisoning
  • Personal hygiene
  • Food contamination
  • Food storage and temperature control
  • Pest control
  • Design of premises and equipment
  • Cleaning
  • Law and management

Courses ends with a short multiple-choice test where candidates will need to achieve 20 correct answers from the 30 questions to obtain the Royal Society for Public Health’s Level 2 Award in Food Safety and Hygiene.

For those who prefer to learn at their own pace, the Council also provides e-learning Level 2, at £20 per person, and for managers and supervisors, Level 3, at £125 per person, food safety courses.

It is a legal requirement that food handlers are supervised and instructed and/or appropriately trained - these qualifications are an ideal way of helping you comply with this requirement.

For further information or to book a place on a course contact Huw Edwards, Environmental Health and Community Safety, by calling 01392 265147 or email

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