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Extra reason to support Exeter Community Lottery and help good causes

Published: 11 July 2024

Extra reason to support Exeter Community Lottery and help good causes Summer BBQ Party Ninja Bundle

Exeter Community Lottery players have an extra reason to sign up this week – the chance to win a Summer BBQ Party Ninja Bundle.

The lottery is already helping around 100 local good causes in the city to raise year-round funds. Most not-for-profit groups can register to start using this online community fundraising solution today.

There are no upfront costs, it’s quick and easy to register and once approved they get:

  • A webpage on the lottery site
  • A no-risk prize structure to help engage supporters
  • A wealth of marketing materials and support to help fundraising
  • A steady monthly income for the cause

Lottery players have the chance to win weekly cash prizes of up to £25,000.

And anyone registered before Saturday 27 July will gain access to the additional national bolt-on prize – a Summer BBQ Party Ninja Bundle.

It’s a win-win, as most supporters are there to support the cause – the chance to win an amazing prize is just an added bonus.

Lottery tickets are just £1 a week with more going directly to good causes than with any other major lottery. Players can see exactly where every penny goes on our website.

Community groups and good causes are being invited to sign up today.

All they need to do is tell as many people as they can to support them through their lottery page. With just 50 regular players groups could raise more than £1,000 annually.

To register a good cause or start playing the lottery visit

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