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Extra assistance for visually impaired voters on election day in Exeter

Published: 27 June 2024

Voters with a visual impairment are being given extra help to assist them in the polling stations during the General Election next week.

Each polling station in Exeter will have a printed QR code which can be scanned on a mobile phone. It provides access to an audio file which describes exactly what’s on the ballot paper.

The process is supported by the RNIB as a way of making voting more accessible for blind and partially sighted people.

It encouraged the use of QR codes in polling stations that link to an audio recording of the ballot paper, which is the system that will be introduced in Exeter for the first time for the General Election on Thursday 4 July.

As well as helping visually impaired people on polling day, the audio file link below will also assist people who need it with their postal votes.