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Exeter Plan proposes high density development on brownfield sites

Published: 10 November 2023

The Exeter Plan is a document detailing the planning policies that will shape the city for the next 20 years.

An important change from the existing Local Plan is the new spatial strategy, which guides the pattern and characteristics of development in the city, and the proposed development sites included in the Exeter Plan.

A key strand of the new strategy is to steer the majority of development to brownfield sites.

Building on brownfield sites - land that has been used for something else - to provide the homes Exeter needs means we need to build closer to the city centre at higher densities, with taller buildings but more generous streets and spaces.

Developing new homes and communities in this way will protect the city’s green fields within and surrounding the city.

Cllr Emma Morse, Lead Councillor for City Development, said: “The spatial strategy will deliver on Exeter’s Vision 2040 including the city’s ambitions for net zero, health and wellbeing, the vitality of the city centre and cultural diversity.

“It is important to me and the leadership of the council that all members of the public engage with this consultation and take ownership of this plan.”

The City Council wants to know what people think of the proposal. Consultation on the Exeter Plan will run until 15 January 2024. To find out more and to take part visit

The Council is also consulting on two further documents:

The Liveable Water Lane Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Householder's Guide: Design of Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Public consultation on both SPDs runs until Monday 4 December. Find out more and share comments at or visit any of the Exeter Plan exhibitions to speak to a Council officer.

Copies of all documents can be viewed in the reception area at the Civic Centre, as well as in libraries across the city.

Queries can be made by contacting the Local Plans team on 01392 265080 or at

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