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Exeter couple fined for failing to stop their dogs constantly barking

Published: 18 October 2022

An Exeter couple who kept up to 27 noisy dogs at their home have been ordered to pay £2,000 and been given a Criminal Behaviour Order requiring them to reduce the number of dogs kept within their property.

Mr and Mrs Reid, of Pinhoe, recently appeared before Exeter Magistrates charged with failing to comply with a noise abatement notice in respect of a statutory nuisance caused by the excessive and unreasonable barking from their dogs.

Investigations found that the Reids were keeping a number of Pomeranian dogs in their home and despite warnings and the issuing of a Noise Abatement Notice in 2018 complaints continued to be received.

Further monitoring found that barking was continuing at a frequent and unreasonable level and duration.

Exeter Magistrates Court convicted the Reids of the offence and fined them £500 each with an additional £500 each in costs and a victim surcharge.

In addition to the fine, the Criminal Behaviour Order makes it a requirement that they can only keep up to six dogs at their property.

Councillor Amal Ghusain, Portfolio Holder for City Management & Environmental Services, said: “We want to send a clear message that no-one should suffer from unacceptable levels of noise because of their neighbour’s irresponsible actions.

“Hopefully this case will demonstrate that Exeter City Council are taking action to address these issues.”

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