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Exeter Connect host workshops to support city’s community groups

Published: 30 August 2023

A support service funded by the City Council to provide help and advice to community groups and not-for-profit organisations in Exeter is hosting three important workshops in September.

Exeter Connect is a voluntary and community sector support service providing free advice, training, networks and events to help community groups in Exeter develop and grow.

Its vision is to make Exeter a place where residents, community groups and organisations can make a positive difference in the places where they live and work.

It will host the following workshops in September:

  • Getting Better at Grants is for community groups and organisations that deliver, or plan to deliver, in Exeter.

The workshop will ensure groups learn the tricks of the trade to help applications really stand out.

Currently only one in five grant applications are successful – the workshop will focus on what funders are looking for.

It takes place on Wednesday 20 September, 2pm to 4pm, at Palace Gate, Exeter.

The cost is £10 and tickets can be booked on the Eventbrite website:

  • Measuring Impact is a workshop that will help organisations prove how they are making a difference.

How do you prove that your work is really making a difference to people’s lives? Most funders will ask for an impact measurement plan at the grant application stage – so groups need to be prepared.

The workshop will introduce a range of simple tools and techniques to capture evidence of the positive impact of an organisation’s work.

It takes place on Wednesday 27 September, 2pm to 4pm, at Palace Gate, Exeter.

The cost is £10 and tickets can be booked on the Eventbrite website:

  • Plan on a Page is an online workshop designed to help attract supporters and funding for projects or new enterprises.

It aims to help people get their ideas down on paper and create a simple way to develop a Business Plan.

The online workshop takes place on Thursday 28 September, 2pm to 4pm.

The cost of the workshop on Zoom is £10 and tickets can be booked on the Eventbrite website:

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