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Don’t forget to make sure you have photo ID to vote at elections

Published: 9 March 2023

It’s not long now until May’s local elections and people are being reminded that they will need photo ID if they are going to vote at a polling station.

Exeter goes to the polls on 4 May in all 13 wards across the city and this year for the first time, people will need to show photographic ID to be able to vote at a polling station.

The new requirement was introduced by the UK Government’s Elections Act, which was passed at the end of last year.

People in Exeter are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote by checking they have an accepted form of ID, as soon as possible.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID can apply now for free ID online at or by completing a paper application form and sending it to Exeter’s electoral services team.

Residents will need to keep an eye out for their poll cards, which will contain information about new voter ID, and will be delivered for the first time in a specially marked envelope.

Some of the accepted forms of photo ID include a driving licence, passport, Older Person’s Bus Pass. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

For a full list of accepted ID, along with more information about the new requirement and details of how to apply for the free ID, go to

Anyone needing help with applying for the free ID or wanting to request an application form can contact the electoral services team before 25 April on 01392 265141 or email at

Elections take place for 13 seats on the City Council on Thursday 4 May in all wards across Exeter.

A total of 55 polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm. For those who haven’t registered to vote there’s still time. Go to

Postal votes can be applied for but completed applications must be received by the electoral services team by 5pm on 18 April. To apply for a postal vote go to

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