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Covid-19 crisis: Waste and recycling FAQs

Published: 16 April 2020

In his regular feature, Denis the Dustcart answers your frequently asked questions about waste and reycling during the Covid-19 crisis.

You can follow Denis on his Facebook page to keep up with information about Recycling issues.

Q1. I am self-isolating. What should I do with my waste?

Personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin.

You can carry on recycling as normal.

Q2. Are you still collecting on the usual day?

Yes, but please check our website regularly for updates on any changes to waste and recycling collections:

Put your bins out after 6pm on the night before collection, but no later than 6am on collection day.

Q3. What other safety precautions should I take with waste/bins?

  • Do not put tissues into your recycling. They cannot be recycled and put our workers at risk.
  • The same goes for wipes, cloths, gloves and masks. Put them in your black bin, following the advice in Q1.
  • Disinfect your bag, bin, box and caddy handles before and after collection.
  • Keep your distance when our workers are collecting your waste and recycling.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after handling and disinfecting your bins.
  • Do not burn your waste at home. This creates air pollution that could harm people nearby who may already have breathing difficulties. There is also the danger that fires could get out of control. Fire services around the country are reporting an increase in callouts due to garden fires.

Q4. Can I still recycle everything?

Yes. Please carry on recycling. We are working hard to maintain this service.

With the global economy disrupted, it’s more important than ever that everyone recycles their paper, card, plastic, tins and cans from home to ensure that valuable resources are recycled and made into new products and packaging.

Q5. Are the recycling centres open?

Devon County Council (who run the recycling centres across Devon, including the two in Exeter) closed its Household Waste Recycling Centres at the end of March. Check their website for updates, but we will also announce any changes.

Please hold on to large items, such as furniture and mattresses, until the outbreak has subsided and services return to normal.

Q6. Can we place out extra rubbish now we’re spending more time at home and therefore generating more rubbish?

You can place one extra bag of rubbish beside your black bin on your usual collection day.

You can place any extra recycling you generate out beside your green bin on your recycling collection day. Please label the bags ‘recycling’.

Please try hard to minimise the amount of rubbish, recycling and food waste you produce. Every bit we can reduce will make a real difference to maintaining a good collection service for everyone. Find tips for reducing food waste, including how to store food correctly and using leftovers, making your food last longer and reducing the frequency you need to buy more food supplies.

Q7. Are the recycling banks still open?

Glass banks are open, but should only be used when you make an essential trip for food shopping or on your once-daily exercise.

If the glass banks are full, do not leave your glass beside the bin. Take it home. Our services are running at the limit of their capacity during this crisis and collecting extra glass from beside the banks adds extra strain, as well as posing a significant health and safety risk to the public and to our crews.

Textile banks are closed. Do not leave clothes outside the banks.

Q8. What shall I do with my garden waste?

Garden waste collections for existing customers will continue as normal until further notice. You should continue to put your garden waste into your brown bin.

We are unable to take on any new customers at this time.

Why not try home composting? You could create your own low-cost compost bin or heap, turning your fruit and vegetable peelings and garden waste into garden compost that’s perfect for mulching and conditioning your soil.

Please do not put garden waste into your black or green bins. If our crew sees it, they won’t collect the bin.

Q9. My bin is broken/missing. Can I still order a replacement?

Yes, by visiting You may be charged for any black bins that have gone missing, but green bins are free and you can order what you need.

Delivery usually happens within 10 working days, however there may be a delay at the moment. Please be patient with us as we do our best to get your bins to you as soon as possible.

Q10. Can I book a bulky waste collection?

Bulky collections are currently suspended. As we focus our efforts on essential rubbish and recycling collections, we have had to cancel some of our less-essential services, such as any bulky waste collections.

Please hold on to any bulky waste items until services return to normal.

If you choose to visit your local HWRC and leave waste outside the gates whilst it is closed, this is classed as fly-tipping and you would be breaking the law and may receive a fine or have to attend court.

Q11. I have an Assisted Waste Collection. Is this service still running?

If you are already registered for assisted collections, your service will continue as normal. Leave your bins in the agreed location at your home.

If you haven’t already registered for an assisted collection, but would like to arrange this, please visit

If you live alone and are self-isolating, please follow the Government-set safety instructions for putting out your waste and recycling (Q1)

For the latest health and wellbeing information on COVID-19, please visit Public Health England:

Q12. My bin has not been collected – what shall I do?

  1. If you did not put your bins out in time, we will not be able to return for your waste. Please bag any extra and report the missed collection via, which will generate an alert on the crew’s in-cab computer next time they are at your property, so they will know to collect the extra waste.
  2. If you believe your bin has been overlooked by the crew, please report it via by midnight on the day following the collection due date. Our crews will return for genuine missed bins (i.e. where they have not reported an issue via their in-cab computer) within two working days of receiving the report. Any reports received after the cut-off will be treated as in point 1.

Q13. Where can I get the latest information?

For the latest information about your waste and recycling collections, visit:

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