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Council Leader: We will work hard to deliver for everyone in Exeter

Published: 9 May 2024

I hope everybody managed to enjoy the long bank holiday weekend and spend some time with friends, family and loved ones.

Firstly, I like to thank the voters in Exwick for re-electing me as their ward councillor last week. It is a great honour to be able to continue representing all the residents in my ward, and to know that they have once again put their trust in me means a lot.

It was a very good set of results overall for my party and I am very proud as Leader of the Labour Group that we have ended up with 24 of the 39 seats on the Council, and have secured a comfortable majority.

It means that we can continue with our programme of improving the quality of life for everyone in Exeter and delivering the Council’s key priorities of a prosperous local economy, a healthy and active city, building great neighbourhoods and communities, a net zero city and a thriving city of culture and heritage.

I want to thank all those who supported and placed their faith in us, and we will be working extremely hard to ensure that we deliver on the issues that matter to the residents in Exeter.

In the coming days I will be working on creating a new Executive, which will ensure we can deliver our programme over the coming year, and we will also be looking at the structure of the committees where important decisions are made.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the councillors who decided to stand down or were not re-elected at this year’s election for all their hard work and service over the years.

I would also like to congratulate all the successful candidates, from whichever political party, on their success in being elected.

In particular, as Leader of the Council, I would like to welcome all the new councillors who have been elected for the first time.

As I mentioned, it is a great honour to represent the people of our great city and I know that councillors of all political persuasions will be working as hard as they can in the best interests of the city.

These are tough times for local government, with the continued squeeze on budgets that all Councils have had to face. But the services that we provide make a massive difference to our residents, and we will make sure we do everything we can to ensure that the people of Exeter get the best possible services they rely on.

As the weather finally turns warmer there’s much to look forward to as always in the year ahead for Exeter.

I want to finish by congratulating the Exeter City Women’s team on becoming the FA Women’s National League Division One South West Champions last weekend.

I’ve mentioned it many times before, but sport is very important to our city. Preparation is well underway for the Women’s Rugby World Cup next year, which will feature games at Sandy Park, and aims to boost participation in sport for women and girls in particular.

The success of Exeter City’s women’s team will undoubtedly do the same, and I am so pleased to celebrate their fantastic achievement.


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