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CIL documents submitted for independent examination

Published: 24 March 2023

CIL documents submitted for independent examination CIL documents submitted for independent examination

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) helps provide funding for infrastructure and community projects in Exeter.

The levy is a charge paid by developers in Exeter and the amount is based on the size and type of development.

CIL is a locally set charge that was introduced by Exeter City Council in 2013. CIL funding received by the Council is invested in infrastructure and community services to make sure that the impact of new development is managed appropriately.

To ensure that these charges remain up to date Exeter City Council have been reviewing the CIL and held a public consultation on a draft CIL charging schedule for six weeks between December 2022 and January 2023.

This was an opportunity for residents and interested parties to make their views known on the proposed rates for various types of developments.

On 24 March 2023 the City Council will be submitting the relevant CIL documents for independent examination with the expectation of hearings being held in June.

Depending on the outcome of the examination, the Council will be looking to implement the new CIL rates in late 2023.

The CIL Draft Charging Schedule and supporting evidence are still available to view at .

This submission documentation will also be available at the reception of the civic centre and in all public libraries.

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