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Call for new sites to help meet housing needs in Exeter

Published: 9 November 2023

A call for new sites for future housing and other development has been launched in the city as part of the Exeter Plan.

The City Council is inviting landowners and developers to submit proposals for sites within the city.

This call aims to identify new sites that can help Exeter meet its need for new homes and economic growth over the next 20 years. 

The Exeter Plan sets out the vision and policies to guide Exeter’s growth up to 2040.

A key challenge highlighted in the plan is the need for new housing, with a target of at least 14,124 new homes over the plan period.

The call for sites will help identify land that can be allocated for housing and mixed-use development in the next review of the Exeter Plan.

The council welcomes submissions for sites of all sizes within the city boundaries. Priority will be given to brownfield sites and locations near services, amenities and sustainable transport links.

Landowners are advised to only submit sites if they have not been submitted in a previous call for sites exercise undertaken since 2020.

The call for sites process will help inform the publication version of the Exeter Plan and the Council's housing and employment land allocations.

The submission deadline is January 2024. Full details are available at



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