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Are you wild about Devon? Apply for a grant to encourage wildlife

Published: 25 May 2023

Community groups are being encouraged to apply for funding to help encourage wildlife in their backyard.

The Wild About Devon  - Community Wildlife Grant Scheme enables community groups to access small amounts of funding to start a wildlife group or carry out activities that promote wildlife. Funds can be used for advice, equipment and other resources.

In the past, grants have been used to restore neglected habitats such as hedges, grassland or woodland, create wildlife areas like ponds, wildflower meadows, hedges and woodlands and to purchase monitoring equipment for species recording and education.

Funds have allowed groups to enhance community gardens, churchyards and other public spaces and buy tools, materials, training, or safety equipment.

Whilst Devon is green and beautiful, vast areas of habitat and species have been lost over the last 50 + years. The project recognises the vital role community action can play in tackling the ecological emergency through diverse, environmentally sustainable interventions that will provide long term benefits for wildlife.

This could include creating new wildlife sites or changing the management of gardens, parks, green spaces, churchyards, orchards, ponds, ditches and buildings, in a way which will benefit wildlife. 

Please note, the scheme does not fund the planting of annuals, where there is only short-term benefit, or planting trees as there are other sources of funding for this.

The Wild About Devon – Community Wildlife Grant Scheme, was developed by the Devon Local Nature Partnership. This fund is financed by the Devon Environment Foundation (DEF), Devon Communities Together (DCT), and Devon County Council (DCC), as part of the commitment to help tackle the Ecological Emergency.

Community Wildlife Groups, Town / Parish Councils, Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts and other not-for-profit organisations can apply for the fund. Collaborative partnership amongst groups are welcomed, however, the application will have to be made by a lead partner.

For full details and to apply online go to the Devon Communities Together website at

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