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Advice for residents on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day

Published: 30 November 2023

Residents have been given advice on saving energy in their homes and staying warm on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day.

Organised by National Energy Action, the day is designed to highlight the issue of fuel poverty and provide help and advice on how to save money on energy bills.

Housing officers from the City Council attended an awareness and information session with Exeter Community Energy (ECOE) at Exeter Community Centre.

It was designed to allow residents to learn more about the solutions available to fight fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis.

The Council’s housing retrofit programme, which is expanding in the city, is improving living conditions and providing affordable warmth for Council tenants.

Retrofitting includes energy cutting measures including exterior wall insulation, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, new windows and doors and draft proofing measures, as well as heat pumps and solar panel installation.

More than 700 Council properties have been retrofitted in Exeter - saving money for tenants on fuel bills at a time of spiralled energy costs and cutting carbon emissions.

For advice on tackling fuel poverty visit the National Energy Action website.

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