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A message from the Lord Mayor of Exeter

Published: 6 April 2020

As we enter this period of unprecedented limitations on our working and personal lives I wish to say, as Lord Mayor, I have been fortunate to have met so many inspirational people in the course of my Civic Duties. I would like to place on record my deep and sincere appreciation to all of our support services who have and continue to work tirelessly keeping us well and safe from harm. They really are doing a remarkable job. I am hugely proud of the City of Exeter which sets us apart from others. As a retired teacher I wish to personally thank the academics in our schools and colleges who are providing a safety net for families allowing parents and carers of the support services, to continue undertaking their roles.

I have never been more grateful to see and hear of the efforts of key workers and volunteers in our City and across the country including, of course, our NHS, schools, emergency services and supermarkets to name but a few, and I would personally like to thank each and every one of you. Leaders have taken a clear and sensible approach to what is a challenging situation. Exeter City Council are working hard behind the scenes doing a tremendous job in the face of extreme pressure. Our City Council has responded rapidly and is now in a unique position to work with partners to provide and co-ordinate help for those who most need it. Officers are offering immediate and strong leadership, working tirelessly for our communities. They are acting as an overreaching arch between the Council and the communities across Exeter offering support and reassurance. Keeping everyone safe is the number one priority.

To this end it has set up Exeter Community Wellbeing to assist individuals and community groups to help and support each other during this challenging time which is a wonderful service for those who want to help during these times, but importantly the aim is to reach the most vulnerable amongst us. Whether that is with shopping, collecting essential medical supplies or just a chat over the phone, they are there to help, so I encourage you to be neighbourly and let those who need the service know about it. For more information please visit: Call: 01392 265000 (Mon-Fri 09.00-17.00 • Sat-Sun 09.00-12.00) Facebook:

I am not routinely a person who would stay at home but have been following Government advice and believe we should, where practical, do just that. I encourage you all to please take the right actions and stay at home when appropriate and distance yourself when you do have to go out. We will get through this and ultimately build stronger and more resilient communities here in Exeter. Thank you again for everything that you are doing. It is an honour and privilege to represent our great City as your Lord Mayor. For now stay safe!

Councilor Peter Holland
Lord Mayor of Exeter

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